illycaffè SpA group is a privately-held, third-generation, family-owned premium coffee company that was founded in Trieste, Italy in 1933. illy is a leader in innovation, technology and quality, with uncompromising and unique approaches taken from bean to cup. They have a passion for their relationships with coffee growers to source the finest beans and give back to coffee-growing communities on the economic, social and environmental levels, ensuring high quality and sustainability in regions from Brazil to Ethiopia, everywhere illy coffee is grown.
illy coffees are a unique blend of quality espresso coffee enjoyed by consumers who appreciate a meaningful experience of beauty, pleasure, consistency and fulfillment.
They manufacture a single perfect blend of coffee, handpicked from nine different growing regions around the world, and available as:- medium or dark roasts
- regular or decaffeinated
- whole bean, fine grind and medium grind, as well as E.S.E. (Easy Serving Espresso) pods, an innovation that illy brought to the market, allowing consumers more control in consistently making the best espresso possible, as well as ground coffee preparation use.
Java Tree
Java Tree takes pride in its reputation as a premier, small-batch roaster of fine coffees. Their passion is providing the most perfectly roasted coffee. They support Fair Trade Coffee since they believe every cup of coffee starts with the grower.
Fair Trade Certified, Coffee with a Cause
Fair Trade guarantees that growers are receiving a fair price for their beans so they can provide a reasonable standard living for their families and help stop the cycle of poverty in developing nations. It also ensures that the quality the small, family-grower brings to his craft will be enjoyed for years to come. We carry their North West Dark Roast.
Post Roast Blended Coffees, the Perfect Blend
Java Tree blends its coffees only after roasting. That's because each varietals of coffee has its own unique roasting temperature to bring out its optimum characteristics. Roasting different varietals together would result in some beans being over or under roasted. Their process ensures you receive a perfect blend every time. We feature their Premium House Blend.
Flavored Colombia Supremo Coffees, the Perfect Complement
All Java Tree flavored coffees are 100% Columbia Supremo beans, roasted to their height of perfection. Then they are blended to exacting proportions so the unique characteristics of the coffee blend perfectly with the chosen flavor. Some of the flavors we carry are French Vanilla Flavored Colombia Supremo, Pumpkin Spice Flavored Colombia Supremo and Cocoa Hazelnut Flavored Colombia Supremo.
Single Country of Origin Coffee, the Best Coffee from the Best Estates
Java Tree's longstanding relationships in the coffee industry provides them access to the best fincas (farms) and finest estates around the world. It also allows them to be extremely discriminating and only accept the very best green coffees. Two of the flavors we sell are Colombia Estate Grown Supremo and Guatemala Oriflama Estate Shade Grown Coffee.
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